Who are you, and what do you love to do?

Hello! My name’s Darren Simbol, and I was born in 1998 in the beautiful islands of the Philippines before I moved to the UK with my family in 2005. Writing is my greatest passion - I love to write in all its forms, whether it’s screenplays, prose, or writing articles - you name it I like writing it (probably) (don’t quote me on that).

Beyond writing, I love playing video games - Breath of the Wild is a personal favourite, listening to music - my most played on Spotify are Lorde, Taylor Swift, and Korean girl group TWICE, consuming any and all sorts of film and TV - from anime to Succession and Derry Girls to Oscar Best Picture winners, and using the throwaway scripts I’ve written to make short films with my friends.

How did you get here? What experiences have led you to this point in your life?

I graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in Journalism, Media, and Cultural Studies, so I like to think I know my way around a paragraph or two and quickly began looking for writing jobs fresh from graduation. However, the universe played a cruel joke and it wasn't long after graduation that the world got swept up in a little pandemic. When the country started to open up again and life crawled its way to something somewhat resembling normalcy, I was asked to join BoothWebsite and use my expertise to help boothers maximise the potential of their websites. The rest - as they say - is history!

When was the first time you used a photobooth? Why did you use it? Who were you with? What was the experience like?

The first time I used a photobooth was probably in the glory days of 2009, running around Exeter City Centre and taking funny pictures with my friends, and over a decade later it's still pretty much the same story, whenever there’s a photo booth at any event you can be sure to find me there with my friends making fools of ourselves but having fun regardless.

When did you start working with BoothWebsite, and what do you do to help push the business forward?

I joined the team at BoothWebsite in late 2021, where I am in charge of writing website content for our clients who ask for it. In addition, I write blogs and informational articles for the website to help any booth owner understand the ins and outs of having a website for their brand.

What is a particular skill that you have that you think would help small business owners improve their business?

My experience in creative writing also means that I’m able to hone those skills to write content that toes the lines between engaging, readable, and informative. Not too intimidating, not too boring, not too confusing.

In addition, I’m also pernickety when it comes to the little things. When I write something, I always reread it several times to make sure not a word is out of place and not a sentence has gone astray. I’ll repeat that process over and over until I’m completely sure that every issue has been ironed out and it’s been done to the absolute best quality that I know I’m capable of.

What BoothWebsite feature do you think is most likely to dramatically improve someone's business?

Far and away, the best thing about BoothWebsite is our team’s knowledge of SEO and our ability to utilise it to make sure your website is working the best that it possibly can for you. It’s all well and good having a gorgeous website with all the bells and whistles (which we can do for you) but it’s no use if nobody can find it. With the help of the BoothWebsite team you can find yourself shooting to the top of the results, and get yourself some new clients with your new and improved brand awareness.

Why should people use BoothWebsite in their business?

Simply put, it is my firm belief that every business needs a website. There is no greater way to generate sales than a 24/7 digital shopfront that is constantly selling for you. Having a website allows your business to be as profitable as it possibly can be. With our expertise we can make certain that the fully designed, custom built, and SEO tailored website we craft works for you and that you’re able to convert website visitors into customers.

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